Friday, June 5, 2009

And all is right with the world once again....

It's been a week packed with fun....recital fun, kindergarten fun, grandparent fun, birthday fun....and well, just plain fun. (And believe me, there will be posts and pictures coming soon). What you ask, could add to the fun???

Well I will tell you....


Yes, our Monahan girls are back in the 'ville and I have already heard that sweet Julie's voice over the phone and IT WASN'T LONG DISTANCE!! They arrived last night and will be here for a week. If it's anything like our visits to VA, they will be pulled in a thousand different directions and we'll do our best to respect their need to see all of their many Summerville peeps....but we are so happy to know those girls are close by and we will see their faces very soon.

I, for one, am looking very forward to witnessing the reunion of a certain 2 little blondies; they were partners in crime and now they are back together again. We'll have ice cream, a sleepover, some playtime at their Y and who knows what else....doesn't much matter what we'll just be much more fun sharing time with our pals.

Let the games begin!

1 comment:

julie said...

You big ole silly thing! Can you believe I just saw this post?! I guess it didn't pop up as an updated one on my following list since I wasn't online for a week. Aghh - Angie wuvs us!! We had SUCH FUN with our Grant's!! We'll do it again soon. Can't wait to see sleep over pictures and such. I'll forward the PAR-TAY soon!!

ohh!! I am trying to skip out on my latte's and move to green tea ... HOMEMADE green tea. I'm sipping on one now and feeling really good about it!!!

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