Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I get knocked down....but I get up again....

So off into the wild blue yonder Joe went today....well, by yonder I mean D.C. for a 3 day business trip. It's a good thing really - his company was awarded a large contract which is always nice for a little job security so we can't complain.

So anyway, as a result I am flying solo with all the parenting while Joe is away; which includes delivery to football practice. Tonight was the first time I've seen that boy of ours in full uniform playing real, tackle, football.'s some hard-hitting stuff...even with 7-8 year olds!!

Winston is probably in the category of the smallest 2-3 players on the team (refer to Exhibit A) Some of the boys TOWER over him. Considering he just made the age cutoff by 2 weeks and as a result, is playing with 2nd and 3rd graders, many of whom are playing their 2nd or 3rd year in the league, we have to expect a learning curve and the growth curve too. Even still, to watch my little guy try and tackle boys almost twice his size...well it's a bit unsettling for this Mama...and I love me some football...just as long as it's somebody else getting pummeled!

So I watched...and Winston drove hard towards his target and during many plays, the opposing player would stop Winston dead in his tracks. It's physics people....50 lbs up against 90lbs....well, you get the picture.

Exhibit A:

Fortunately enough, Winston does NOT get that....a single bit. He still charges full speed ahead and sometimes he gets flattened; other times he stays up, digs in and fights til the end. Joe had been telling me that he is tough and determined and for sure I saw both tonight.

During one play, Winston managed to sneak into a hole at the line and get to the quarterback in time to strip the ball from him. GREAT STUFF. It took a minute for the coaches to figure out what he did!! Finally Coach Shawn started laughing and yelled "That kid is NUTS". It was good stuff.

So we'll load up and head back to the practice field tomorrow night unsettling as those hard hits look, I think I just ought to get used to it - barring anything unforseen, I think this family will be spending many nights at the football practice field.

Go Winston Go! Your determination and effort sure make me proud!

Friday, August 21, 2009

After years of waiting, we are all finally Cheeseheads.

It's certainly not news that our family is fairly obsessed with football. We all love it...well Lilly....not so much but she's a trooper and puts up with us all during the season. I grew up going to my high school football games on Friday nights LONG before I reached high school age. It's a small town thing perhaps....but I learned at an early age how exciting a game of football can be. High school, college,'s all exciting and so we spend the majority of our weekends every fall enjoying the game.

Winston got the gene and has taken to the sport like a duck to water. He loves to watch it, talk about it, play it....he's just a big fan. He has dropped cartoon watching for Sportscenter and loves to spend time on for game updates and team news. How fun is that?!?!?!

I've been a loyal Green Bay Packer fan for a very long time and try as I might, have not convinced the Grant boys to feel the same. They don't dislike them but they are first and foremost Carolina Panther fans so it has made for some interesting Sunday afternoons around this house.

But it's now official - we are all a united Packer family!!

Winston started Sertoma football this year -- tackle....with pads....with large boys who hit hard...this Mama is nervous no doubt but we're ready for it, especially the little man. He's not the biggest boy on the team by far but he's quick and he's determined and he loves everything about it. So off we go for a season of Sertoma football and the best part....Winston is playing for the Sertoma PACKERS!! He'll wear the Green Bay "G" on his helmet, Packer gold pants for games and I can proudly wear my packer t-shirts and sweatshirts to the games!! YIPPEE!! Joe is an assistant coach and is having an awesome time with that too.

We got some awesome action shots of Winston at practice this week. The look on his face is worth a thousand words...the boy is determined and gives it his full effort which is all we can ask for.

So we are ready for some football....PACKER about you??

Now if I can just convince Lilly to wear a cheesehead to the games......

First Day of 5 Day 4's!!

A fantastic first day of preschool for the little lady in our house. She was super excited to get started on her last year in the wonderful "Bethany Bubble" as I like to call it. It's so comforting to take her there and leave her in such a warm and loving place. All good things must come to an end and this will be our final year there so we'll savor the moments for sure.

Lilly had a big first day - she earned some smiles from her teachers by comforting a new friend who was a little sad today. She was excited to play with McCoy and Hannah. She loves having her pal Parker there each day too.

We celebrated afterwards with our friends Alex and Parker with a Happy Meal and some playtime. A good day for everyone!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Seems Like Old Times

We made our last trip into a Bethany CDC "Meet the Teacher" today. Hard to believe we are beginning what will be our final year as a Bethany CDC Family. We've been so blessed to be a part of that special place- every year has been excellent. Every teacher we've had seems to overflow with love and patience for both the children and the parents. Mona and Vicki could not be more perfect as Directors of that wonderful place. Everything about it is a blessing and will be dearly missed when we leave it come springtime.

We are especially blessed to have a repeat of Winston's final year at Bethany. Lilly will be with Kathy Shabeldeen and Perry Harris her final year and it makes it all the more bittersweet. When Lilly would toddle in with me to drop Winston off a few years ago, Perry and Kathy would greet Lilly with open arms almost as if SHE was a part of their class too. I have pictures of Lilly holding the flag for the pledge of allegiance and of her sitting at the table with the rest of the class having snack....such sweet memories for Lilly and for me.

We are looking forward to an awesome year. Parker and Lilly will share this final year as Bethany preschoolers together and that makes us so happy. They'll both meet lots of new friends and make lots of great memories too.

We are soaking up our final year at Bethany - with smiles and probably a few tears too!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

School Daze

The summer flew by...well really, it is STILL summer isn't it? I don't think I will ever get used to starting school in mid-August!
So it's here....really....already....

It's official - we have a First Grade Beech Hill Beacon! Winston woke up ready for the day and walked into that classroom like he owned it. I fared better than last year but choked back a tear walking out.

We are excited about the year that lies ahead -- he's got a great teacher, Miss Luciano. She is enthusiastic, has a reputation for being tons of fun and loves science and math - the perfect combination for our boy.

So in a few hours, we'll have ourselves a little First Day of School party along the walking path to keep with tradition and then start fishing for information from our Beacons about their first day back in the groove.

As for school, Lilly's up next....tomorrow is meet the teacher and she begins her last year of preschool on Wednesday. There is no doubt many a tear will fall in the spring when we wrap up our tenure with the greatest preschool on the planet - I cannot say enough about the Bethany Child Development Center - we look forward to another great year there.

We have our first Parent's Meeting for Sertoma football tonight. Joe is an Assistant Coach for Winston's team - he will be a....drum roll please......a PACKER!! Practice begins tomorrow night and games should start soon.

We are ready for our favorite season of the season, falling leaves, pumpkins, turkeys, all of it.....can't wait for Autumn!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Are You Ready.....

For some Football?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's Good to be 7

Happy Birthday to the newest 7 year old in our family.

You are overflowing with energy
You are curious
You adore anything that remotely resembles a competition
You are incredibly smart
You are headstrong
You are self-confident
You are a button-pusher (just ask your sister!)
You are a natural leader
You are not at all cautious

You are 7
Best of all
You are ours

We love you beyond measure - Hope being 7 is GREAT!

Mommy, Daddy and Lilly

Monday, August 3, 2009

Much Fun

As an only child, I grew up spending lots of time with my cousins. My mental scrapbook is filled with wonderful memories of sleepovers, walks to the Old Dutch Supermarket, swimming in our pool and playing restaurant in my Aunt Jackie's basement. Those were good times for me. I am still very close to some of my cousins...and know I always will be.

I hope it will be the same for Winston and Lilly - both sides of our family are quite small so we are going for quality not quantity! Our children have only 2 first cousins and I am hopeful they'll continue making great memories with them. We are certainly starting out well in that endeavor. The four "Grant" cousins do quite well together - Anna has the patience of Job with Winston and Katie loves to "mother" Lilly so it all works nicely.

When they arrived last Wednesday (yes, still a week behind!) we enjoyed some time with Joe's sister before the girls banished their Mom back to Atlanta (hey, part of the fun is no REAL parents to deal with!) and celebrated 2 special birthdays - Anna (July) and Winston (August).
We spent Thursday on a shopping mission - the girls had some money to burn and burn it they did!! I was introduced to the world of Justice, Hollister, Aeropostale and Claire's Boutique! I have a few years before any of these places will be in Lilly's vocabulary so it was quite an education. Winston braved the mall with surprising patience and only had a few moments of misery in the sea of "all things girl".

We spent Friday and Saturday in the water....we hit the beach on Friday and the water park on Saturday. We had quite a spirited game of UNO and we introduced the girls to hummus (not big fans!) and green pepper on pizza. You know... the stuff that memories are made of!!

It was a such a good time, girls - we love you both dearly and can't wait to start planning next year. In the meantime, we'll see you in Dry Fork before too long!!