Friday, April 2, 2010

It Really Is The Little Things

We've sure had lots of fun this week and there's a fun weekend and Spring Break on the horizon - lots more to post about Easter Egg Hunts, Handbells, House Awards and the Smartest Daddy
on Planet Earth; but for now, I'm still smiling at the moment I had earlier today...

It might take me 15 minutes to get to our favorite grocery store....and we might have to leave 30 minutes ahead of time to get to baseball practice or ballet on time...but being 5 minutes away from what is in my humble opinion the best elementary school in the district makes all of those trips "in to town" worth it. Winston's class got to walk that 5 minutes to our house today for an Easter Egg hunt and picnic lunch in the backyard -- I'm very aware of how lucky we are to have that luxury. But even better than that.....

Washing dishes and looking out my kitchen window to see my 1st grader during his PE time is a gift I hope I never forget. He looked over at our house and saw me watching him and just made me grin from ear to ear. A glimpse into his little life at school....and he even took the time to wave to his Mom!! (He's the one in yellow/blue)

A great moment in this very blessed life of mine.....

1 comment:

julie said...

Those ARE the things that matter the most... How lucky you are :) Time is so precious and goes by too fast. Enjoy every minute!

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