Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mama don't need no wine and roses!!

Welcome to Grantstock 2009
Our Valentine's Day was fairly typical...we hit the next stop on the preschool birthday party circuit (Happy Birthday Parker - we do love that boy!) and then spent the remainder of the rainy day on Marshside. We enjoyed a romantic (that's code for: typically loud and unruly) family dinner and commenced with the Grant Family Dancefest 2009.

I don't know what prompted it but Joe and I found ourselves cranking up the music on the laptop in the kitchen and dancing with the children. All you crazy almost 40 year remember

Men Without Hats' "Safety Dance"????
Flock of Seagulls' "Space Age Love Song"??
Modern English's "I Melt with you"??
The list went on and on.....the kids loved it. I might have to add these to the playlist here so you can take that walk down memory lane too.

We managed to avoid the first potential showstopping injury....Joe attempted to teach the children the "Bump" (yes people, the irony of Joe teaching them a dance move is not lost on me but he was enjoying a few glasses of wine after dinner which could have helped loosen him up a bit). Anyway, Winston of course misunderstood the mechanics of the bump and immediately went to the "bump move" in football....thankfully Lilly wasn't catapulted into the dishwasher after all!

Lilly was able to bring some of her new ballet skills into her repertoire and she moved with grace and the occasional seizure-like moments. Winston appears to have inherited a bit more of my rythmn than his Daddy's ....THANK THE LORD FOR SMALL MIRACLES. I am certainly no prima ballerina but I do credit 10 years of ballet and tap with helping me to have a tiny bit of coordination and Winston seems to just maybe be showing signs of it....he did have quite a disturbing pelvic thrust move...not at all sure where he got that one, but I would predict that might not sit well with the ladies at the Senior Prom.

Hope you had a happy heart day too....
Rock On People


julie said...

Did you add more photo's since I saw this last?! Either that or I'm lossing my mind!!
HOW FUN ... I thought Joe was the "break dance King of NC" or something to that effect?! ;)
Hope you had a great day!! This mama don't need no whine or roses either!! hee hee

Linda Azevedo said...

Oh my gosh...that is hilarious...I am laughing out loud!! Those are the cutest pictures! I'm so glad y'all had a wonderful V-Day. I'm loving the blog, Ang! I'm starting to get the itch.....

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