Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday Musings
First, Sertoma Bantam Packers are officially 1-1 this season. We fought hard in the torrential rains last Tuesday night and came out as the victors. It was a close one for sure. The boys did a great job and had great fun. We are back at it again on Thursday night. This game should be something pretty special since Grammy and Granddaddy are driving all the way from VA to watch Winston and his team in action.
Bethany's Tea Room starts today -- 2 weeks of yummy goodness with proceeds benefiting local missions. Can't wait to visit a few times these next few weeks. I signed up to bring desserts throughout the next 2 weeks...Lilly and I made a fresh apple pound cake yesterday that was a bit like torture for the Grant kids and Daddy. It was almost cruel to tempt the family like that - it sat on the counter and cooled and COULD NOT BE CUT ....I have plans to redeem myself and make one JUST FOR THEM later this week.
BHES PTA full swing...we had a hugely successful golf tournament this past Thursday night. Fall festival is around the's been quite the commitment so far this year but not a single regret...I'm glad I took it on this year.
The Grant Shoe Crisis of 2009 is well on its way to resolution. Lilly no longer limps out of preschool, church or dance class. Please dust off the crown for my Mother of the Year award - I will accept in person this year. Yes, quite charming isn't poor girl has been wearing tight shoes to school, to church and to dance class for a few weeks now. I am pleased to report she now has ample room in some sporty new white Mary Janes, shiny tap shoes and some tennis shoes with a "pink check" just like she requested. It was a sad moment when I picked up the t-strap Keds and she gave me the thumbs down....she asked for shoes with a pink check like McCoy has!! (McCoy is her pal from preschool). So Lilly has her first pair of Nike's....and I must say, THEY ARE CUTE. Now onto Winston....he was limping a bit out of church yesterday....all we need are new church shoes for him and we can officially call an end to the crisis. I know you are all so relieved.
Last but certainly not least......and really.....I can get my point across in 7 words or less....
#4 has done it again...GUNSLINGER BABY!!!!
If you need me this week, I'll be gloating!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
This moment brought to you by a Teacher
A huge highlight of our week ....StoryTime with Winston.
Winston had an early release day from school on Wednesday. We had made arrangements for him to visit his old 4 year old preschool class (now Lilly's class) and read a story to the class. His teacher, Mrs Shabeldeen loved the idea and was so excited to have Winston come back for such a special visit.
Winston was very excited- he picked out a special book at the library last weekend and practiced reading it to us all week. He was very intent on reading the book and showing the pictures and wanted it to be perfect. Perfect it was!!
When I went to wake him up Wednesday morning for school; instead of the usual moans and groans about waking up so early - he bounded out of bed and told me he would get dressed first thing so he could practice his book while he ate breakfast. He wanted to be ready for his reading debut.
We arrived on time and the class was already on the carpet waiting for their special guest. Lilly was asked to introduce her brother and she stood proudly next to him during the entire story. It was a precious moment for sure. Winston did an AWESOME job reading the story and sharing the pictures. After the story, each of Lilly's classmates came up and shook hands with Winston and thanked him for coming. SO SO SWEET!!
I managed to get the tripod set up and the camera rolling so for once, I think the video job by me is decent!! The video is below. Enjoy storytime with Winston and look forward to an autumn version coming soon - he's been invited back and Winston wants to choose a special fall book for his next visit.
Thanks to Bethany CDC for this special moment and to all the teachers in this world who with their patience and dedication teach our children to read.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Packer Defeat was still Sweet
I was in charge of audio -visual and in a nutshell, that spells D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R for me and anyone who has a hankering to view the video footage from the game. We used the tripod because a steady hand is NOT one of my skill sets; but frankly, I don't think it helped much. As much as I like to think I can contribute in that way to our team --I can't. For selfish reasons, I am MISERABLE behind a video camera....I much prefer to see the action and keep my eyes glued to #17 the whole time he's on the I am hopeful we'll find someone who is better at it next game. We might end up putting some footage on the blog but Joe has to check out my handiwork first....oh mercy, I am sure it's going to be BAD. Don't hold your breath!
So back to the game....2 highlights in my opinion....and of course it's my blog so my opinion matters here!!! And because it's my blog, my highlights...well of course they are directly related to the amazing little #17.
First, he squirted right through the offensive line and SACKED THEIR QUARTERBACK!!! It was great great stuff....all by himself, he stopped a Raider play dead in its tracks!!
Another Packer Dad walked up to me during the game, looked me in the eye and said this...
"I tell you this, Winston plays with more heart than anyone out on that field"
I could have wept right there was music to this Mama's ears. I know this....but for another parent to know this....well...what to say other than...WOW.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...
win or lose....
at the end of the day, what really matters....
is giving something everything you've got....
and well, #17.....
he leaves NOTHING on that field when the final whistle blows
and while I know losing can be a bitter pill to swallow for that competitive little boy....
for me, his effort and his determination makes him every bit a winner, no matter the score.
I love you buddy....more every single or lose....
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Opening Day
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tap Shoes and's how we roll
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
We listened to those cows....
We had an extra sandwich because I opted for a healthier lunch choice so we took the extra sandwich with high hopes from Winston that it would be in his lunchbox today at school. Unfortunately, we left Chick Fil A and spent several hours shopping at the outlets so by the time we made it home, the freebie was most likely bacteria-laden so we tossed it.
We ended our nice long weekend with an almost-free lunch while wearing Panther and Packer gear -- what a great end to a great weekend!!